
C4DT FOCUS 8 Data Protection in the EU and Switzerland
Nearly seven years after the entry into force of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe, what impact has it had on data protection? What are the main legislative differences between the European Union and Switzerland? And how will the situation evolve as the rise of generative AI in…

C4DT FOCUS 7 The Encryption Dilemma

C4DT FOCUS 6 How does Big Tech keep us on the hook?

C4DT FOCUS 5 How is China regulating big tech algorithms

C4DT FOCUS 4 Happy fourth birthday, GDPR!

C4DT FOCUS 3 Hacking in times of crises

C4DT FOCUS 2 Protecting journalists and their sources

C4DT FOCUS 1 Focus on China Tech regulation
This edition has been written by scientific writer Lionel Pousaz