A new cryptography framework for secure genomic studies
Developed from EPFL research, in collaboration with MIT and Yale, the combination of secure computation and distributed algorithms opens a new era for data collaborations in medical research.
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The EPFL community gets a Mastodon server
EPFL has set up a Mastodon server for the School community, allowing members to post and share content in a way that’s aligned with the values of open science. We opted for Mastodon because independence and effective communication tools are critical.
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Making E-Voting Safer from Coercion and Vote Buying
As we come to the end of a year in which half the world’s population went to the polls, EPFL researchers developed and field-tested a groundbreaking new technology to protect remote electronic voting or e-voting from voter coercion and vote buying.
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Blog posts

Can AI influence election outcomes?
Artificial intelligence (AI) may be a weapon of mass disinformation, but a recent report has demonstrated that its impact thus far has been limited
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Blog posts

“Deepfakes, Distrust and Disinformation” Conference: Acknowledgements and Thanks
C4DT would like to express a BIG THANK YOU to the speakers, panelists, moderators, to the attendees and to the partner Centers who have made this C4DT conference such a memorable and interesting event! We are very thankful for this opportunity and what it's brought us! For those who could…
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Les systèmes d’intelligence artificielle sont devenus si performants qu’on ne sait plus comment les tester
[Le Temps] Quelques jours après la présentation de la version o1 de ChatGPT, un appel a été lancé pour mieux tester les IA. Cette course folle s’intensifie alors que l’ONU exhorte à ne surtout pas laisser le marché s’autoréguler
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Press reviews

Stranger Danger and online fringe communities
New EPFL research has found that the exchange of comments between members and non-members of fringe communities (fringe-interactions) on mainstream online platforms attracts new members to these groups. It has also suggested potential ways to curtail this growth.
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Safeguarding the public service in the digital era
Digitalization and the proliferation of service platforms are permeating all areas of our society, and the public service is not immune to this evolution. A policy paper from the EPFL Center for Digital Trust offers recommendations to maintain the quality of the Swiss public service.
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Débat télévisé en Deepfake – Pôle de création numérique
Le résultat de ce projet ambitieux, développé en collaboration avec le Image and Visual Representation Laboratory, dirigé par Sabine Süsstrunk, et dont Peter Grönquist fait partie, a été diffusé dans le cadre de l'émission Infrarouge ce mercredi à 20h50 sur RTS1. C'est une séquence de 5 minutes tournée sur le…
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The Swiss E-ID Journey – Part 2
Join us in the further explorations of the Swiss E-ID journey. This time we're diving into the technical details of the current Public Sandbox Trust Infrastructure of the Swiss government. You'll learn how the different parts work together, and why self-sovereign IDs are useful to preserve your privacy. This article…
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Olivier Crochat, C4DT: «Les gens tendent à ne voir que le côté négatif de l’innovation»
[Lang : Fr][ictjournal.ch] Les populations ont de moins en moins confiance dans l’innovation, selon le baromètre Edelman. En entretien avec la rédaction, Olivier Crochat, directeur du Center for Digital Trust de l’EPFL (C4DT), partage son diagnostic et ses pistes de solution.
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C4DT Insight #1 : Digital Service Public ?
What does the future hold for the service public in the digital platform era? Check out the first edition of our Insight, by Prof. Matthias Finger & Dr. Melanie Kolbe-Guyot.
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Inde, Brésil, Etats-Unis: X et Elon Musk demeurent des acteurs majeurs de la «super année électorale»
[Lang : Fr][letemps.ch] Censuré en Inde, en lutte avec le système judiciaire brésilien et au cœur de la campagne présidentielle américaine, le réseau social d’Elon Musk est associé de près au débat démocratique. Deux experts analysent son influence.
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AI’s new power of persuasion: it can change your mind
A new EPFL study has demonstrated the persuasive power of Large Language Models, finding that participants debating GPT-4 with access to their personal information were far more likely to change their opinion compared to those who debated humans.
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David Atienza appointed ACM CSUR Editor-in-Chief
David Atienza, head of the Embedded Systems Lab in the School of Engineering, has been named Editor-in-Chief of the journal Computing Surveys (CSUR) of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
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The Swiss Confederation E-ID Public Sandbox Trust Infrastructure
This is the 1st part of a series of articles: The Swiss Confederation E-ID Public Sandbox Trust Infrastructure The Swiss E-ID Journey C4DT Demonstrator using the Swiss Public Sandbox Trust Infrastructure Empowering Digital Identities: The SSI Protocol Landscape Switzerland’s E-ID journey so far In 2021, the Swiss E-ID law proposition…
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Blog posts

Max Schrems: «L’hypocrisie des empires du numérique sur nos données est sans limite» – Le Temps
[Lang: Fr] [letemps.ch] Une Interview de Max Schrems pour Le Temps, à l'occasion de son passage à l'EPFL.
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Mathias Payer as ACM Distinguished Member 2023
International Computing Society Recognizes 2023 Distinguished Members for Significant Achievements, and Mathias Payer, Associate Professor at the HexHive Lab, EPFL, is one of the members!
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Book Review : “Trafficking Data. How China Is Winning The battle For Digital Sovereignty” – Aynne Kokas (2023)
Our new C4DT Digital Governance Book Review is out! This time: Aynne Kokas (2023) "Trafficking Data. How China is Winning the Battle for Digital Sovereignty.” In her book, Kokas examines China's agenda to establish itself as a cyber superpower through its strategic data governance approach.
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C4DT as World Bank GovTech Partners
We are pleased to announce that the Center for Digital Trust has joined The World Bank’s GovTech Global Partnership program! This partnership will facilitate the integration of hashtag#academic insights to improve the effectiveness of public sector operations through technological applications, significantly enhancing the quality and efficiency of public services.
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Dr. Stojilovic’s Work Featured On ‘Proceedings Of The IEEE’ Cover
The work Dr. Stojilovic from Prof. Falsafi’s lab did on the security of reconfigurable cloud computing graces the cover of the December issue of the Proceedings of the IEEE.
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Marcel Salathé Shares Opinion on AI Development in Universities
[nzz.ch][Lang : En] "Universities also have to develop AI - this is the only way to guarantee that the technology remains transparent" -- Marcel Salathé, professor of digital epidemiology and co-director of the EPFL AI Center.
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Prof. Rachid Guerraoui Analyse l’Impact Grandissant De l’IA Dans Nos Vies
[rts.ch][Lang : Fr] Dans le 19h30, le professeur à l'EPFL Rachid Guerraoui tire le bilan d'une technologie qui s'insère petit à petit dans notre quotidien.
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Empreinte Numérique: «Un monde sans vie privée est un monde sans liberté» – Entretien Avec Carmela Troncoso
[heidi.news][Lang: Fr] Carmela Troncoso, professeure en sécurité informatique et en protection de la vie privée à l’EPFL. A la tête du laboratoire Spring (Security and Privacy Engineering Laboratory), elle milite pour le respect des libertés individuelles dans le monde numérique.
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