[FR] Montres connectées : des mesures pas toujours fiables
C4DT Academic Director Jean-Pierre Hubaux discusses the privacy and security of smart watches on a new episode of RTS's 'A bon entendeur'.
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Press reviews
[FR] Des solutions pour déjouer les fausses images créées par le deepfake
Prof. Touradj Ebrahimi, head of the C4DT affiliated Multimedia Signal Processing Group, presented solutions to uncover deepfakes today on the RTS CQFD radio show.
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Press reviews
[FR] Chelsea Manning: «J’ai plus d’accès à la guerre en Ukraine avec mon laptop que je n’en avais en Irak»
Dès le lundi 7 mars, Heidi.news invite à prendre de la hauteur par rapport à la guerre en Ukraine et son flot incessant d'informations. Pour cette «semaine des spécialistes», nous sommes partis à la recherche d’esprits aiguisés pour nous aider à mieux comprendre ce qui se joue là, sous nos…
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Press reviews
[FR] «Dans cette guerre, la magie cyber s’épuise vite»
Alors que toute l’Europe est en alerte face à une guerre informatique parallèle qui viendrait répondre aux représailles économiques déployées par les pays occidentaux contre la Russie, la lanceuse d’alerte Chelsea Manning relativise l’efficacité de ces attaques, dans le conflit en cours depuis le 24 février en Ukraine.
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Press reviews
David Atienza elected Chair of the EDAA
Prof. David Atienza, head of the C4DT affiliated Embedded Systems Laboratory (ESL) at EPFL School of Engineering and new Director of EcoCloud, has been elected as Chair of the European Design and Automation Association (EDAA). The EDAA pursues educational, scientific and technical activities for the advancement in the international community…
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Press reviews
Swisscom Joins Nym Privacy Blockchain
Swisscom is joining the Nym network as a validator node. Nym is building the next generation of privacy infrastructure aiming to bring data privacy to all internet users. In doing so, Nym is leveraging blockchain technology to reward nodes that run the global privacy network.
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Press reviews
2021 IEEE Award recipients
The IEEE TCCPS Technical Achievement Award recognizes significant and sustained contributions to the cyber-physical system (CPS) community through the IEEE Technical Committee on Cyber-Physical Systems (TCCPS). The award is based on the impact of high-quality research made by the awardee throughout the lifetime. It consists of a plaque and a…
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Press reviews
Client-side scanning is like bugs in our pockets
Encryption provides a solution to security risks, but its flipside is that it can hinder law enforcement investigations. A new technology called client-side scanning (CSS) would enable targeted information to be revealed through on-device analysis, without weakening encryption or providing decryption keys. However, an international group of experts, including EPFL,…
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Press reviews
Reward for learning with a twist of real-life research
Martin Jaggi, C4DT affiliated Tenure Track Assistant Professor in the School of Computer and Communications Sciences (IC) has won the 2021 Credit Suisse Award for Best Teaching, for introducing two novel, hands-on science challenges into his Machine Learning Course – the largest masters level class on campus.
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Press reviews
The EPFL Tech Launchpad awards two new Ignition grants
We are delighted to announce the startups MinWave and Predikon have each been awarded a CH 30k Ignition grant as part of EPFL’s Tech Launchpad - a leading incubator dedicated to supporting groundbreaking and innovative startups.
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Press reviews
immutable.js, concurrent-safe data structures
Concurrent programming is one the oldest and hardest issues in the Computer Science Book. For years, we have been using locks, big threads sharing the minimum, using optimistic reasoning for "how data will be updated". And we are still stuck with the same issues of some part of the code…
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Blog posts
Why Blockchain is Not Yet Working – 2021
The article Why Blockchain Is Not Yet Working goes over six points - for most of these points, research papers exist. For some of them test networks exist. Only one or two are solved in active main networks.
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Blog posts
“We managed to score an amazing 10th place at DefCon CTF!”
The Polygl0ts, EPFL’s cyber security competitions team lead by C4DT affiliated Prof. Payer, has just returned from the United States after competing at the DefCon Capture The Flag competition, the oldest and largest hacker convention/security conference in the world.
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Press reviews
“Network neutrality is a buzzword but there is no agreed definition”
C4DT affiliated Associate Professor Katerina Argyraki works on computer networks and neutrality, a notion she believes is critical to ensuring that the internet continues to foster competition and innovation.
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Press reviews
Little Syster: the first privacy trust index for digital services
Giving back to citizens the control of their private life in the face of digital technology: this is the mission of the French company Little Syster. Launched in 2020, it uses a technology based on artificial intelligence that was developed at the LSIR EPFL laboratory headed by C4DT affiliated Prof.…
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Press reviews
12 Questions on the Digital Immunity Passport
The certificate linked to the virus will not be available before June in Switzerland. Until then, here are twelve answers linked to questions of security, data and accessibility concerning what some call the "Immunity Passport". In particular, Jean-Pierre Hubaux, C4DT Academic Director, provides insights on the questions linked to data.
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Press reviews
The Big Debate – Computer Science: Where are the Women?
RTS Debate between Anne-Marie Kermarrec, computer scientist and C4DT affiliated professor at EPFL, author of "Numérique, compte avec les femmes" (Odile Jacob, 2021), Isabelle Collet, professor of education at the University of Geneva, author of "Les Oubliés du numérique" (Le Passeur, 2019), Brigitte Manz-Brunner, responsible for the French-speaking part of…
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Press reviews
A Journey With Predikon (3/3)
On the 7th of March, the Swiss population voted on a ban for full face coverings, the e-ID Act, and an economic partnership agreement with Indonesia. As with all Swiss referendums since 2019, the EPFL election prediction tool Predikon generated real-time predictions for the vote outcomes.
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Blog posts
Podcast – Will Bitcoin destroy our climat?
Digital activities represent around 4-5% of CO2 emissions, estimate several studies. And cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, are amongst the most energy consuming activities: far ahead of streaming and email exchanges. The podcast "Le Point J" tries to understand why.
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Press reviews
Deepfakes wreak havoc
Take a look at the RTS documentary on the impacts of deepfakes featuring an interview from C4DT affiliated professor Touradj Ebrahimi.
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Press reviews
Using “proof of personhood” to tackle social media risks
The ease of creating fake virtual identities plays an important role in shaping the way information—and misinformation—circulates online. Social media platforms are increasingly prominent in shaping public debates, and the tension between online anonymity and accountability is a source of growing societal risks. This article outlines one approach to resolving…
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A Journey With Predikon (2/3)
On March 7, the next Swiss referendum vote will be held, with votes on a ban for full face coverings, the e-ID Act, and the economic partnership agreement with Indonesia. As this national vote approaches, the EPFL election prediction tool, Predikon, is rolling out some improvements with new features.
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Blog posts
NotifyMe, a new app to relaunch social events
NotifyMe is a new app that alerts people who attended an event where there was a risk of COVID-19 infection. The app, using technology developed in part at EPFL, in no way compromises users’ personal data. NotifyMe works well in conjunction with SwissCovid and is currently being pilot-tested at EPFL.
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“My focus is on teasing information out of networks”
EPFL Professor Matthias Grossglauser has been awarded the grade of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Fellow, a notable recognition given to less than 0.1% of voting members annually. Please click below for more info.
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