
“Deepfakes, Distrust and Disinformation” Conference: Acknowledgements and Thanks
C4DT would like to express a BIG THANK YOU to the speakers, panelists, moderators, to the attendees and to the partner Centers who have made this C4DT conference such a memorable and interesting event! We are very thankful for this opportunity and what it's brought us! For those who could…
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C4DT Conference on Disinformation, Elections and AI
Join us on October 1st for the C4DT conference entitled "Deepfakes, Distrust and Disinformation: The Impact of AI on Elections and Public Perception, which will be held at the SwissTech Convention Center, EPFL.
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[FR] Les experts sont unanimes, la prochaine pandémie sera numérique
La menace d’une pandémie numérique est imminente et il faut s’y préparer, ont affirmé des experts réunis lundi lors d’une journée de réflexion à l’EPFL. Le nombre croissant de cyberattaques de tous types et un manque de préparation seraient en cause.
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Press reviews