
Get a PET for X-mas

🔒 Discover the fascinating world of Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) – tools that fortify your digital shield 🌐! For this holiday season, treat yourself to a PET, like secure messaging, and VPNs 🚀.
News type : Blog posts

“Deepfakes, Distrust and Disinformation” Conference: Acknowledgements and Thanks

C4DT would like to express a BIG THANK YOU to the speakers, panelists, moderators, to the attendees and to the partner Centers who have made this C4DT conference such a memorable and interesting event! We are very thankful for this opportunity and what it's brought us! For those who could…
News type : News

Les systèmes d’intelligence artificielle sont devenus si performants qu’on ne sait plus comment les tester

[Le Temps] Quelques jours après la présentation de la version o1 de ChatGPT, un appel a été lancé pour mieux tester les IA. Cette course folle s’intensifie alors que l’ONU exhorte à ne surtout pas laisser le marché s’autoréguler
News type : Press reviews

The Swiss Confederation E-ID Public Sandbox Trust Infrastructure

This is the 1st part of a series of articles: The Swiss Confederation E-ID Public Sandbox Trust Infrastructure The Swiss E-ID Journey C4DT Demonstrator using the Swiss Public Sandbox Trust Infrastructure Empowering Digital Identities: The SSI Protocol Landscape Switzerland’s E-ID journey so far In 2021, the Swiss E-ID law proposition…
News type : Blog posts