Glion Network of Centers for Digital Trust

The Glion Network of Centers is a global network of academic centers for digital trust established in 2023 to facilitate discussion and synergies among participating centers. The goals of this group are to:

  • Facilitate open exchange and mutual knowledge;
  • Learn from others on addressing shared challenges;
  • Share lessons learned on strengthening impact on industry and government agendas.
  • Foster joint collaborations on academic, industry or policy projects

The Glion Summit, which takes place annually during the final week of August in Glion (an alpine village just above Montreux, Switzerland), addresses a crucial gap in the landscape of academic conferences. While numerous forums exist for research exchange, this summit stands out as the sole known venue dedicated to mutual exchange at the internal, operational level. Through this network, member centers  are fostering a community and building the potential to drive stronger collective impact in the field of digital trust.

Participation in the Glion network is highly selective, with stringent criteria for inclusion:

  • Centers must be grounded in a technical university or department;
  • Their focus must be on digital trust, thus encompassing cybersecurity, privacy, disinformation, etc;
  • They must have contractual external partnerships;
  • They must be partially funded by external sources;
  • Their mission must encompass policy development and outreach activities on critical digital trust topics;
  • Centers must reflect the excellence and thriving activities taking place in various parts of the world.

Participating Centers

Presently, twenty centers for digital trust from around the world form the Glion network of centers.

ACTION InstituteUC Santa BarbaraUSA
Berkman Klein Center for Internet and SocietyHarvard UniversityUSA
Blavatnik Interdisciplinary Cyber Research Center (ICRC)Tel Aviv UniversityIsrael
Center for Cybersecurity and Trusted Foundations (CTF)Arizona State UniversityUSA
Center for Digital Trust (C4DT)École Polytechnique Fédérale de LausanneSwitzerland
Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)Purdue UniversityUSA
Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity (CLTC)UC BerkeleyUSA
Centre for Cyber Defence and Information Security (CDIS)KTH Royal Institute of TechnologySweden
Centre for Secure Information Technologies (CSIT)Queen’s University of BelfastUK
Cyber Security Research Center (KAIST)Korea Institute of Science and TechnologyRepublic of Korea
CyLab Security and Privacy InstituteCarnegie Mellon UniversityUSA
CyLab-AfricaCarnegie Mellon University AfricaRwanda
Digital Trust Centre (DTC)Nanyang Technical UniversitySingapore
IITB Trust LabIndian Institute of Technology BombayIndia
Internet Policy Research InitiativeMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyUSA
Millennium Institute Foundational Research on DataUniversidad de ChileChile
Responsible Technology Institute (RTI)Oxford UniversityUK
RISE Cybersecurity UnitUniversity of UppsalaSweden
School of Social Sciences and TechnologyTechnical University of MunichGermany
UCL Cybersecurity CDTUniversity College LondonUK

Latest Activities

Celebrating a Successful Second Summit of Centers for Digital Trust

C4DT held the second edition of the summit on August 28-30, 2024. Sixteen globally renowned centers for digital trust gathered in Glion (above Montreux), Switzerland to mutually discuss their respective missions, operations, and challenges. The Glion Summit continued in its aim of establishing a space in which academic centers for digital trust can engage in open exchange to compare experiences, fine-tune their missions, increase their impact, and explore areas for mutual collaboration. In addition to the broad goals for the summit, the final morning was dedicated to seeing digital trust through the lens of journalists, whose field experience and frontline insights provide a real-world context that can help guide the academic community’s research agendas.

Anticipating the Third Annual Summit of Centers


We’re eagerly gearing up for the third annual Summit of Centers this August 2025! This year’s spotlight is on collaborations with industry and private foundations. Stay tuned for announcements of our external guests!

Check out BKC’s recap of 2024 and roadmap for 2025 here.