Digital Governance and Policy

Book Review: “Your Face Belongs to Us. A Secretive Startup’s Quest To End Privacy As We Know It” – Kashmir Hill (2023)

In our latest edition of the C4DT Digital Governance Book Review, we discuss investigative journalist Kashmir Hill’s book on the rise and consequences of facial-recognition company Clearview AI for the future of privacy.
News type : News

Digital Trust Issue Brief: International Rulemaking for Tech

Are the recently adopted (or still negotiated) international rules regulating the development, (crossborder) sales, marketing, and use of software in the best interest of technologists and the tech industry? In this issue brief, C4DT Digital Trust Policy Fellow Leonila Guglya critically examines international digital product regulations that are of key…
News type : News

Digital Governance Book Review: The Platform Society. Public Values in a Connective World (2018)

Van Dijck, J., Poell, T. and M. de Waal (2018). The Platform Society. Public Values in a Connective World. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 226 pages. By Matthias Finger This book is already five years old and probably older if one considers the time of writing, an eternity when it comes…
News type : Blog posts