Affiliated Laboratories
Distributed Information Systems Laboratory
Semantic information processing in distributed systems
Network Architecture Laboratory
Network security
Embedded Systems Laboratory
Embedded systems, hardware design
Natural Language Processing Lab
Natural language processing, artificial intelligence, machine learning
Prof. Bourgeat Group
Programming languages, computer architecture and formal hardware verification
Data Center Systems Laboratory
Datacenter systems
Dependable Systems Laboratory
Reliability and security in large-scale systems
L’IDIAP Laboratory
Artificial intelligence, machine learning and signal processing
Laboratory for Information and Inference Systems
Machine learning, optimization, signal processing
Laboratory for Computation Security
Theoretical computer science and computer security
Asset pricing
Integrated Systems Laboratory
Integrated circuits, quantum systems
Multimedia Signal Processing Group
Media Security
Chair SFI-RF
Corporate finance, initial coin offerings (ICO)
Parallel Systems Architecture Laboratory
Cloud computing
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Artificial intelligence
Laboratory GR-FE
Health and genomic information management
Swissquote Chair
Quantitative finance and risk management
Theory of Machine Learning Laboratory
Theory of machine learning
Decentralized and Distributed Systems Lab
Decentralized and blockchain systems
Signal Processing Laboratory 4
Image processing, graph signal processing and machine learning
Laboratory for Communications and Applications 4
Data mining and machine learning
Distributed Computing Laboratory
Distributed algorithms and consensus
Caglar Gulcehre Lab for AI Research
Intersection between foundation models and reinforcement learning