Affiliated Laboratories
Processor Architecture Laboratory
Processor architecture and electronic design automation
Machine Learning and Optimization Laboratory
Machine learning
Robust Scalable Systems Software Lab
Scalability and robustness of systems software
Scalable Computing Systems Laboratory
Large-scale distributed systems. Scalable design, failure resilience, performance and privacy-preservation
Lab for Automated Reasoning and Analysis
Formal software verification
Chair SFI-SM
Economics and optimization
Programming Methods Laboratory 1
Programming languages
Distributed Electrical Systems Laboratory
Power systems (smart grids)
HexHive Laboratory
Software and systems security
Salathé Group
Digital epidemiology and personalized health
Prof. Shkel Group
Signal processing, cryptography
Image and Visual Representation Laboratory
Image understanding and conceptualization
Security and Privacy Engineering Lab
Privacy enhancing technologies
Security and Cryptography Laboratory
Prof. Vidick Group
Quantum Computing
Data Science Laboratory
Data science and privacy