
Empowering Digital Identities: The SSI Protocol Landscape

In this fourth part of the blog series “Swiss e-ID journey”, we give an overview of the Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) [10] landscape in CH, EU, and beyond. This allows the reader to put the current effort of the e-ID in context with international efforts in references and implementations regarding e-ID…
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The Swiss Confederation E-ID Public Sandbox Trust Infrastructure – Part 3

C4DT Demonstrator using the Swiss Public Sandbox Trust Infrastructure This is our third article about the Swiss e-ID Journey. An overview of the system can be found in our first article, Switzerland’s e-ID journey so far [1a], and an introduction to the first steps of using the sandbox [8] in…
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The Swiss E-ID Journey

Join us in the further explorations of the Swiss E-ID journey. This time we're diving into the technical details of the current Public Sandbox Trust Infrastructure of the Swiss government. You'll learn how the different parts work together, and why self-sovereign IDs are useful to preserve your privacy. This article…
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AI’s new power of persuasion: it can change your mind

A new EPFL study has demonstrated the persuasive power of Large Language Models, finding that participants debating GPT-4 with access to their personal information were far more likely to change their opinion compared to those who debated humans.
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Book Review: “Digital Empires. The Global Battle to Regulate Technology” – Anu Bradford (2023)

Our new C4DT Digital Governance Book Review is out! This time: Anu Bradford (2023) “Digital Empires. The Global Battle to Regulate Technology.” In her new book, Bradford offers an in-depth, objective analysis of the three dominant regulatory models for digitalization—market-driven by the US, state-driven by China, and citizen-driven by the…
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Launch of C4DT Cloud initiatives

The C4DT launches 3 different initiatives to promote and enable trustworthy and sovereign cloud computing. They build on C4DT’s Conference on Trustworthy and Sovereign Cloud Computing, which was held in September 2023 at the Starling Hotel in St.-Sulpice, and discussions with our partners and conference participants.
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Strategic Academic Alliance for Innovation in Cybersecurity and Digital Trust

A noteworthy development in the field of innovation sees EPFL, HEIG-VD and UNIL joining forces at the highest level, with the support of the Canton of Vaud, to unveil the outline of the [seal] Program. This initiative aims to stimulate collaboration between the three universities and accelerate the transfer of…
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csky.ai and Egonym join the C4DT through its associate partner program

We are delighted to announce that two additional partners have joined the C4DT community!
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Marcel Salathé Shares Opinion on AI Development in Universities

[nzz.ch][Lang : En] "Universities also have to develop AI - this is the only way to guarantee that the technology remains transparent" -- Marcel Salathé, professor of digital epidemiology and co-director of the EPFL AI Center.
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Prof. Rachid Guerraoui Analyse l’Impact Grandissant De l’IA Dans Nos Vies

[rts.ch][Lang : Fr] Dans le 19h30, le professeur à l'EPFL Rachid Guerraoui tire le bilan d'une technologie qui s'insère petit à petit dans notre quotidien.
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2. Digital Service Public Workshop

On October 4th, C4DT brought together 20 stakeholders from the Swiss service public sector, administration, politics, civil society and academia to discuss the relationship between digital platforms and traditional physical public services. The goal was to explore the need for action, room for maneuver, and potential initiatives to develop recommendations…
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Election of the professor Touradj Ebrahimi as a Fellow of the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association

Congratulations to C4DT associated professor Touradj Ebrahimi for being elected as a Fellow of the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association thanks to his pioneering activities at the intersection between #AI and Trust. AAIA gathers top scientists in different disciplines that can be combined with AI, AI related institutions, and entrepreneurs that…
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François Wavre / Lundi13 (alt)

Utiliser des applications de santé comporte des risques

[bilan.ch] [langue : Français] Assureurs et employeurs peuvent obtenir des informations sur les métadonnées. Olivier Crochat, directeur exécutif du Center for Digital Trust de l’EPFL, met en garde les utilisateurs de ces outils. // Article protégé par un paywall.
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Intelligence artificielle, ange ou démon ?

[rts.ch] La RTS s'intéresse aux progrès de l'intelligence artificielle, et interview le Prof. Rachid Guerraoui, affilié au C4DT, en direct de l'EPFL.
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Deepfake, le vrai du faux

[L'Illustré] Qu'est-ce qu'un deepfake? Comment se «fabrique»-t-il et quels en sont les buts et les dangers? Interview avec Prof. Ebrahimi, affilié au C4DT.
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Diary Of An Ongoing Software Supply Chain Cyberattack

On June 15, 2022, a shadowy hacker group known as TA551 set its sights on a company that offers training and certification to IT administrators, system administrators and other vital IT personnel working for some of the world’s largest corporations. From there it was game on. The hackers replaced the…
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[FR] «Dans cette guerre, la magie cyber s’épuise vite»

Alors que toute l’Europe est en alerte face à une guerre informatique parallèle qui viendrait répondre aux représailles économiques déployées par les pays occidentaux contre la Russie, la lanceuse d’alerte Chelsea Manning relativise l’efficacité de ces attaques, dans le conflit en cours depuis le 24 février en Ukraine.
News type : Press reviews

David Atienza elected Chair of the EDAA

Prof. David Atienza, head of the C4DT affiliated Embedded Systems Laboratory (ESL) at EPFL School of Engineering and new Director of EcoCloud, has been elected as Chair of the European Design and Automation Association (EDAA). The EDAA pursues educational, scientific and technical activities for the advancement in the international community…
News type : Press reviews

Swisscom Joins Nym Privacy Blockchain

Swisscom is joining the Nym network as a validator node. Nym is building the next generation of privacy infrastructure aiming to bring data privacy to all internet users. In doing so, Nym is leveraging blockchain technology to reward nodes that run the global privacy network.
News type : Press reviews

Cyber-Defence Fellowships – A Talent Program for Cyber-Defence Research in Switzerland

To promote research and education in cyber-defence, EPFL and the Cyber-Defence Campus have jointly launched the “CYD Fellowships – A Talent Program for Cyber-Defence Research.” The fourth call for proposals is now open with a rolling call for Master Thesis Fellowship applications, and with a deadline of 16 August 2021…
News type : Press reviews

C4DT launches its start-up program

We are excited to announce the launch of the C4DT start-up program. 4 start-ups have already been selected to join the C4DT community, consisting of 13 partners and 34 EPFL laboratories, to collaborate and share insights on trust-building technologies. For two years Regdata, strong.network, Taurus and Xorlab will complement the…
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Prof. Jean-Pierre Hubaux’s opinion piece in ‘LeTemps” on Trusting SwissCovid App

French-language news paper 'Le Temps' published an opinion piece by C4DT's Academic Director and Head of the LDS lab at EPFL, Jean-Pierre Hubaux, on trusting the SwissCovid app. Prof. Hubaux raises the point that the excessive focus on privacy protection has cast doubt on a tool which makes it possible…
News type : Press reviews

Geneva solutions reports on C4DT joint event on “Manipulating elections in cyberspace: are democracies in danger”

A little less than one month before the election, one wonders. How are fake news and disinformation affecting relations within a democracy, but moreover what threat do they pose to democracy itself? It is precisely this topic that the Center for Digital Trust (C4DT) housed at EPFL brought to the…
News type : Press reviews

SPRING lab developed a secure, decentralized search engine for journalists

The C4DT-affiliated SPRING laboratory has developed Datashare Network, a decentralized search engine paired with a secure messaging system that allows investigative journalists to exchange information securely and anonymously. An scientific article on this subject will be presented during the Usenix Security Symposium which will be held online from August 12…
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