
Democratizing large-scale AI for the benefit of society: Open calls for disruptive ideas
In addition to its core research activities as outlined below, the Swiss AI Initiative is distributing 10-20 million GPU hours in 2025 for disruptive research projects through open calls. We look for research projects that aim to contribute to advances in AI fundamentals or impactful applications of AI. Researchers outside…
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A new cryptography framework for secure genomic studies
Developed from EPFL research, in collaboration with MIT and Yale, the combination of secure computation and distributed algorithms opens a new era for data collaborations in medical research.
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The EPFL community gets a Mastodon server
EPFL has set up a Mastodon server for the School community, allowing members to post and share content in a way that’s aligned with the values of open science. We opted for Mastodon because independence and effective communication tools are critical.
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A look back on in 2024: A Success Story!
We’re thrilled to announce the publication of our latest blog post exploring the remarkable year 2024 of 📚In 2024, the Center for Digital Trust discovered hosted by Edwand Andò from EPFL’s Center for Imaging and decided to offer our support. This led to a fruitful collaboration in 2024…
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Book Review: “The Tech Coup – How to Save Democracy from Silicon Valley” – Marietje Schaake (2024)
In our latest edition of the C4DT Digital Governance Book Review, we discuss Marietje Schaake’s book which explores the deep intertwining of Big Tech with politics, highlighting its threat to democracy and proposing practical regulatory solutions to reclaim democratic processes and safeguard state sovereignty.
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C4DT Annual Report 2024 is out !
We are incredibly proud to announce the publication of C4DT's 2024 Annual Report. Thanks to the support of many people (partners, researchers, government officials, etc.), the C4DT has further blossomed.
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New C4DT Focus #8 , entitled “Data protection in the EU and Switzerland”, is out !
This issue examines the impact of the GDPR nearly seven years after its implementation, comparing data protection legislation in the EU and Switzerland, and explores future implications amid rising generative AI, featuring insights from interviews with data protection specialists.
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Making E-Voting Safer from Coercion and Vote Buying
As we come to the end of a year in which half the world’s population went to the polls, EPFL researchers developed and field-tested a groundbreaking new technology to protect remote electronic voting or e-voting from voter coercion and vote buying.
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Blog posts

Can AI influence election outcomes?
Artificial intelligence (AI) may be a weapon of mass disinformation, but a recent report has demonstrated that its impact thus far has been limited
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Blog posts

Get a PET for X-mas
🔒 Discover the fascinating world of Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) – tools that fortify your digital shield 🌐! For this holiday season, treat yourself to a PET, like secure messaging, and VPNs 🚀.
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Blog posts

Brightside AI joins the C4DT through its associate partner program
For two years Brightside AI will complement the already diverse group of partner companies through its start-up perspective to collaborate and share insights on trust-building technologies. Brightside prepares a company’s employees for cyberattacks. Using employees’ digital footprints, Brightside runs AI-driven phishing simulations to prepare teams for potential cyberattacks. It gives…
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New C4DT Observer #14 , entitled “The Impact of AI on Elections and Public Perception”, is out !
This publication revisits key questions with speakers from the Oct 1st conference on “Deepfakes, Distrust and Disinformation" through the lens of public perception and seeks to advance the debate surrounding AI, misinformation, and disinformation, especially in political contexts.
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Recordings of C4DT Conference on Disinformation, Elections and AI now online!
📣 New Publication Alert! 📣 📽️ The recordings of the October 1st Conference on "Deepfakes, Distrust and Disinformation: The Impact of AI on Elections and Public Perception" are now accessible here
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New C4DT Focus #7 , entitled “The Encryption Dilemma”, is out !
The issue revolves around the tension between the need for security in digital communications, exemplified by end-to-end encryption, and the concerns of governments and security agencies regarding their ability to intercept criminal activities, particularly the sharing of child sexual abuse material online.
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[seal] call for projects
Canton Vaud’s [seal] Program funds projects in digital trust and cybersecurity with up to CHF 100K or 90% of cost ! The aim of this latest call for projects is to stimulate collaborative innovation in order to propose solutions that help meet the challenges of multimedia content security, from data…
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“Deepfakes, Distrust and Disinformation” Conference: Acknowledgements and Thanks
C4DT would like to express a BIG THANK YOU to the speakers, panelists, moderators, to the attendees and to the partner Centers who have made this C4DT conference such a memorable and interesting event! We are very thankful for this opportunity and what it's brought us! For those who could…
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Les systèmes d’intelligence artificielle sont devenus si performants qu’on ne sait plus comment les tester
[Le Temps] Quelques jours après la présentation de la version o1 de ChatGPT, un appel a été lancé pour mieux tester les IA. Cette course folle s’intensifie alors que l’ONU exhorte à ne surtout pas laisser le marché s’autoréguler
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Press reviews

C4DT Conference on Disinformation, Elections and AI
Join us on October 1st for the C4DT conference entitled "Deepfakes, Distrust and Disinformation: The Impact of AI on Elections and Public Perception, which will be held at the SwissTech Convention Center, EPFL.
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[seal] call for projects
Canton Vaud's [seal] Program funds projects in digital trust and cybersecurity with up to CHF 100K or 90% of cost !
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Stranger Danger and online fringe communities
New EPFL research has found that the exchange of comments between members and non-members of fringe communities (fringe-interactions) on mainstream online platforms attracts new members to these groups. It has also suggested potential ways to curtail this growth.
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Safeguarding the public service in the digital era
Digitalization and the proliferation of service platforms are permeating all areas of our society, and the public service is not immune to this evolution. A policy paper from the EPFL Center for Digital Trust offers recommendations to maintain the quality of the Swiss public service.
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Empowering Digital Identities: The SSI Protocol Landscape
In this fourth part of the blog series “Swiss e-ID journey”, we give an overview of the Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) [10] landscape in CH, EU, and beyond. This allows the reader to put the current effort of the e-ID in context with international efforts in references and implementations regarding e-ID…
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The Swiss Confederation E-ID Public Sandbox Trust Infrastructure – Part 3
C4DT Demonstrator using the Swiss Public Sandbox Trust Infrastructure This is our third article about the Swiss e-ID Journey. An overview of the system can be found in our first article, Switzerland’s e-ID journey so far [1a], and an introduction to the first steps of using the sandbox [8] in…
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Book Review: “Your Face Belongs to Us. A Secretive Startup’s Quest To End Privacy As We Know It” – Kashmir Hill (2023)
In our latest edition of the C4DT Digital Governance Book Review, we discuss investigative journalist Kashmir Hill’s book on the rise and consequences of facial-recognition company Clearview AI for the future of privacy.
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