
Workshop on Security and Privacy of Wearable Devices

A growing number of wearable devices are becoming available. By their ability to measure physical activity and physiological characteristics such as heart rate, blood pressure, sleep patterns, etc., they constitute a cornerstone for the quantified self and personalized health. Yet, unavoidably, they bring a number of challenges in terms of…
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C4DT Holds First General Assembly

The founding General Assembly of C4DT was held on Friday, 2 November, in presence of the President of EPFL, Martin Vetterli, and of 50 guests. The 12 partners of the Center said they are keen to apply research to their business needs and regulatory requirements, at a time when digitalization…
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EPFL School Assembly Election Secured by DTOP Blockchain

C4DT's blockchain-based e-voting technology just passed its first real test "with flying colors" during the elections of EPFL's school assembly. The innovative DTOP technology called "cothority" demonstrated that it could be trusted by the technologically demanding EPFL community. Developed by Professor Ford's DEDIS team, cothority enabled the certification of the…
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Rachid Guerraoui Appointed Digital Chair by Collège de France

The prestigious Collège de France Chair in Informatics and Computational Science is awarded for the year 2018-2019 to C4DT-affiliated Professor Guerraoui of EPFL. Working on secure and reliable distributed programming and with an interest in enhancing privacy on the Internet, Guerraoui is a strong proponent of digital trust.
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C4DT Supports Finance Industry Body to Standardize Blockchain

Leading Swiss actors in finance and technology have established the Capital Markets and Technology Association (CMTA) to facilitate the use of blockchain in financial markets. The independent, not-for-profit association aims to become a key standard setter. EPFL and C4DT supported the development of CMTA and will be represented in its…
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Best Paper for “Digital Immunity” Work with ICRC

The International Red Cross (ICRC) is confronted to unique information-security challenges when providing aid to disaster victims. A group of C4DT-affiliated researchers has been closely working with ICRC to better understand specific computer security challenges. For that work, Steven Leblond and his colleagues led by professors Ford and Hubaux were…
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Olivier Crochat Joins C4DT as Executive Director

Dr. Crochat becomes the first Executive Director of C4DT. He will work alongside Academic Director, Professor Hubaux, and the rest of the C4DT team to advance the ambitious goals of the Center. By hiring Dr. Crochat, who holds a PhD from EPFL and has 15+ years of executive roles in…
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C4DT Teaches “Digital Trust” Skills to ICRC Lawyers

A group of lawyers and policy workers from the International Red Cross (ICRC) and other organizations concluded a computing and digital trust awareness-raising training at EPFL.The week-long course in collaboration with C4DT is intended to equip them with the tools to evaluate the impact of information systems on their humanitarian…
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EPFL Announces Ambitious Digital Trust Initiative

EPFL President Martin Vetterli has unveiled plans to create the Center for Digital Trust (C4DT). It will become a center of excellence for IT security and personal data protection in the digital era. The Center will be a hub for researchers, businesses, non-profits and governments and will start operations in…
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