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Trust & Finance Forum

The Trust & Finance Forum, an event taking place at the Global Center for Security Policy (GCSP) in Geneva, on May 1st of 2024, to delve into the intersections of trust and finance. We’ll discuss digital trust trends, and explore new opportunities through real success stories in finance.

Book Review: “Digital Empires. The Global Battle to Regulate Technology” – Anu Bradford (2023)

Our new C4DT Digital Governance Book Review is out! This time: Anu Bradford (2023) “Digital Empires. The Global Battle to Regulate Technology.” In her new book, Bradford offers an in-depth, objective analysis of the three dominant regulatory models for digitalization—market-driven by the US, state-driven by China, and citizen-driven by the EU—and their global impacts on (…)

Book Review: Digital Empires. The Global Battle to Regulate Technology (2023)

This book offers an in-depth, objective analysis of the three dominant regulatory models for digitalization—market-driven by the US, state-driven by China, and citizen-driven by the EU—and their global impacts on data, digital platforms, and the internet, highlighting the current geo-political struggles and possible future scenarios.

Unified Accelerators for Post-Moore Machine Learning

The slowdown in Moore’s Law has pushed high-end GPUs towards narrow number formats to improve logic density. This introduces new challenges for accurate Deep Neural Network (DNN) training and inference. Our research aims to bring novel solutions to the challenges introduced by ubiquitous ever-growing DNN models and datasets. Our proposal targets building DNN platforms that are optimal in performance/Watt across a broad class of workloads and improve utility by unifying the infrastructure for both training models and inference tasks.

PET Links

The C4DT Factory team selected some Privacy Enhancing Technology (PET) links for you. They are all related to digital trust: security, privacy, trust in general, we have you covered!

The Swiss Confederation E-ID Public Sandbox Trust Infrastructure

Switzerland’s E-ID journey so far In 2021, the Swiss E-ID law proposition was rejected by a public referendum. The reason for the refusal was due to privacy concerns in the implementation and management of that system. In a nutshell, the idea that a private entity would be in control of users’ data was frowned upon. (…)

Implementation of Multicloud Strategies

May/June [tbc}, 2024, 10h00-12h00online Introduction The adoption of multicloud architectures is a strategic response to evolving organizational needs in today’s digital landscape. Motivations for this transition include mitigating risks, such as disaster recovery and business continuity. Diversifying across multiple cloud providers enables organizations to weather potential service outages by seamlessly shifting services to maintain business (…)

Applied Machine Learning Days 2024 – Open-Source AI Models

The Open-Source AI Models track draws attention to the pivotal role that open-source AI models play in the responsible development of artificial intelligence and highlights the challenges that this field faces, including ethical and responsible usage of AI models, sustainability, and licensing and legal issues.

Applied Machine Learning Days 2024 – AI Safety

The AI Safety track addresses the pressing need for responsible AI usage beyond sensationalized risks. While global leaders address extreme threats, the track spotlights often-overlooked but crucial challenges, such as bias mitigation, individuals’ privacy protection, generation of inaccurate or fabricated information, and AI alignment with human values. It serves as a platform for experts from diverse fields to share insights, tackle challenges, and suggest solutions for a safer, human-centric, and trustworthy AI future.

Exploring the Digital Chessboard: The US, China, and EU’s Approaches to Privacy and Security Governance

By Melanie Kolbe-Guyot, Head of Policy, C4DT   It is no secret that we are in the midst of an intense technological rivalry among the great powers of the United States, China, and the European Union; a rivalry that encompasses economic, security, and geopolitical dimensions. The development, control, and weaponization of digital technologies has become (…)

PeaceTech Hackathon 2024

PeaceTech is the use of science and technology to prevent, reduce, or resolve violence and conflict, and to promote peace; emphasizing the need to avoid dual use of technology, where technologies can be used for harmful ends instead than for peaceful purposes. It encompasses research, development and application of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math to support strategies against violence.

Violence is considered not only in terms of war and armed conflict, but also violence striking civil society by any means – hate speech, cyberbullying, online mis- and disinformation, gender-based violence, and against minority groups.

Data Science for the Sciences

In an effort to foster the emergence of a multidisciplinary community around data science for scientific discovery, the Swiss Data Science Center and the University of Bern have joined forces to launch Switzerland’s first Data Science for the Sciences (DS4S) conference.

FIFDH: special screening at EPFL

In collaboration with the FIFDH (FESTIVAL DU FILM ET FORUM INTERNATIONAL SUR LES DROITS HUMAINS), EPFL Pavilions and Ingénieur.e.s du Monde invite you to the screening of the film “Total Trust”, a captivating thriller combining suspense, artificial intelligence and moral dilemmas. The film plunges us into a futuristic universe where new technologies and artificial intelligence have become omnipresent.

Data Privacy: Lecture With Max Schrems

Max Schrems is a pivotal figure in international data privacy, lauded for his groundbreaking legal efforts to champion individual data rights. Schrems’ expertise in the field of privacy law and his relentless pursuit of transparency within the digital economy have positioned him as a leading voice in the ongoing dialogue on data ethics. The conference will be moderated by Melanie Kolbe-Guyot, Head of Policy, C4DT

Launch of C4DT Cloud initiatives

The C4DT launches 3 different initiatives to promote and enable trustworthy and sovereign cloud computing. They build on C4DT’s Conference on Trustworthy and Sovereign Cloud Computing, which was held in September 2023 at the Starling Hotel in St.-Sulpice, and discussions with our partners and conference participants.

Swiss CyberSecurity Days 2024 : Prof Dr. Ebrahimi Keynote

EPFL Professor Ebrahimi Touradj will be giving a keynote at the Swiss CyberSecurity Days in Bern on February 21st amongst many other high-profile Cyber Security specialists. He will also participate in a panel on misinformation on February 20th.

Implementation of Private Cloud based on Open-Source Cloud Stack

February 29th, 2024, 10h00-11h45online Introduction In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, the adoption of private cloud solutions has become a strategic imperative for many organizations seeking enhanced security and control over their data. Additionally, by opting for an open-source cloud stack as the foundation of their private cloud solution, they commit to achieving greater transparency (…)

Eurocrypt 2024

Eurocrypt 2024, the 43rd Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques, will take place at Kongresshaus in Zurich, Switzerland on May 26-30, 2024. Eurocrypt 2024 is organized by the International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR). The affiliated events will take place at ETH Zurich on May 25-26, 2024.

Strategic Academic Alliance for Innovation in Cybersecurity and Digital Trust

A noteworthy development in the field of innovation sees EPFL, HEIG-VD and UNIL joining forces at the highest level, with the support of the Canton of Vaud, to unveil the outline of the [seal] Program. This initiative aims to stimulate collaboration between the three universities and accelerate the transfer of knowledge and technologies to the socio-economic fabric in the field of digital trust and cybersecurity. The launch of the Program includes a first call for projects dealing with cybercrime. Just as innovation drives our economy, digitalization drives innovation, and trust drives digitalization. In this context of the rapid digitization of our society, the notion of trust and security is at the heart of all concerns.