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AI & Ethics Week

February 7-11th, 2022, online Artificial Intelligence holds great promise for the economy and society. It has also led to the explosion of new ethical challenges, such as biased decision making, filter bubbles, data protection, face recognition, deep fakes and cyber security. During this week we aim to create awareness of the ethical and privacy dilemmas (…)

7th edition of Foundations of ICT and Digital Trust for Decision Makers course

The revamped course “Foundations of ICT and Digital Trust for Decision Makers” becomes a catalyst for responsible digital transformation. The 7th edition of this course took place throughout the week of October 31, 2022, in collaboration with the Fondation Lombard Odier.

[FR] CLIC EPFL | Talks Cybersécurité

La CLIC et la Société des Officiers et Militaires du campus universitaire de Lausanne organisent ensemble une série de 4 talks sur le thème de la cybersécurité.

Digital Trust Policy Fellowship Program

The Center for Digital Trust (C4DT) digital trust policy fellowship program supports scholars and practitioners working at the intersection of trust-building tech and public policy to identify, analyze, and respond to critical issues concerning digital trust, e.g., privacy protection, cyber security, artificial intelligence (AI) & machine learning (ML), digital ledgers, big data, or the internet of (…)


Oktober 2022, Starling Hotel, EPFL Wie verändert die Digitalisierung die Bereitstellung und unser Verständnis des Service Public? Und was bedeutet dies für dessen Zukunft? Diese Fragen werden zunehmend wichtiger, da digitale Plattformen – viele von ihnen global agierend und in privater Hand – zunehmend traditionelle, physische öffentliche Dienstleistungen vermitteln, sei es in den Bereichen Kommunikation, Medien, (…)

Book Review: Click Here to Kill Everybody (2018)

In “Click here to Kill Everybody”, computer security, privacy, and cryptography specialist Bruce Schneier argues for the pressing need for greater internet security in the wake of the unrelenting expansion of the Internet into our physical world, specifically the Internet of Things (IoT).

C4DT Konferenz: Der Service Public im digitalen Zeitalter

Im Oktober 2022 veröffentlicht das Bundesamtes für Kommunikation (BAKOM) seinen Grundlagenbericht an den Bundesrat zu den wichtigsten Herausforderungen, denen sich der Service Public aufgrund der Digitalisierung gegenübersieht.

Aus diesem Anlass bringt diese eintägige C4DT-Konferenz Experten und Expertinnen aus der Verwaltung, den Service Public Unternehmen, den Regulatoren, der Wissenschaft, der Politik und der Zivilgesellschaft zusammen, um sich kritisch damit auseinanderzusetzen, wie die Digitalisierung unser Verständnis und die Bereitstellung des Service Public verändert. Zudem werden mögliche Lösungsansätze für sich abzeichnenden Herausforderungen in vier interaktiven Panels diskutiert.

Mit dieser Veranstaltung bieten wir die Möglichkeit verschiedene Blickwinkel auf dieses wichtige Thema kennenzulernen und sich mit Vertretern aus dem Service Public selbst, sowie aus Politik, Wirtschaft und der Gesellschaft auszutauschen.

Pillars & Verticals

C4DT provides its partners access to knowledge and expertise distributed over EPFL’s research labs in the following trust-building technologies pillars. Furthermore, its community builds on 5 application verticals to illustrate how these technologies contribute to solving the challenges of achieving trust in the digital world.

FIC International Cybersecurity Forum

The International Cybersecurity Forum is Europe’s leading event on digital security and trust issues. Its unique feature is to bring together the entire cybersecurity and “trusted digital” ecosystem: end customers, service providers, solution providers, consultants, law enforcement and government agencies, schools and universities…

Foundations of ICT for decision makers

C4DT is organizing the 7th edition of the “FICT for Decision Makers” course. The target audience is managers and executives, without any technical prerequisites. The audience will gain in-depth understanding of the digital ecosystem.

Magic-Wormhole: communicate a secret easily

The problem Here is a common scenario we have all run into: you need to communicate some piece of secret information, say a password, to another person. Perhaps it’s on-boarding a new colleague, or to allow access for a partner. But you don’t want to compromise this secret by transmitting it over an insecure channel, (…)

How to read your bank-account on a public blockchain?

One of the ways public blockchains are touted is that they can replace your bank account. The idea is that you don’t need a central system anymore, but can open any number of accounts, as needed. However, as there is no central place, it is sometimes difficult to know how much money you have left. (…)

Fun with microcontrollers

Today it’s something about actual hardware, not just software. For Christmas I took a long LED-strip and hooked it up to an Arduino One to create some animations. But not having WiFi was a bit of a shame, because this meant you couldn’t control it from a smartphone. So I dug around and found this: (…)