[FR] Les promesses économiques de l’IA
Podcast audio, au sommaire: les horizons économiques de l’intelligence artificielle; le train et l’avion en accord pour réduire l’empreinte voyage; et reportage avec les manifestants au Pérou.
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“Scientists can never make statements with 100% certainty”
EPFL professor Jacques Fellay, who served on the Swiss National Covid-19 Task Force and whose lab is affiliated with C4DT, has been selected for a new advisory committee that the government set up recently so policymakers and scientists can continue their joint efforts.
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ChatGPT and the future of digital health
How we interact with computers has just changed overnight, forever. A new class of generative AI has emerged that will revolutionize communication and information – and health along with it.
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Blog posts
“Computing is like potato chips – there’s never enough!”
EPFL’s Professor Giovanni De Micheli was recently recognized for his strong impact on the electronic system design industry, and he sees another decade of rapid design innovation ahead.
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Digital Governance Book Review: Cloud Empires (2022)
This installment of C4DT’s Digital Governance Book Review focuses on Vili Lehdonvirta’s 2022 book Cloud Empires. How Digital Platforms are Overtaking the State and how we can Regain Control Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 283 pages. An acutely current and fascinating analysis of the adverse effects digital platforms have on…
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Blog posts
7th edition of Foundations of ICT and Digital Trust for Decision Makers course
The revamped course “Foundations of ICT and Digital Trust for Decision Makers” becomes a catalyst for responsible digital transformation. The 7th edition of this course took place throughout the week of October 31, 2022, in collaboration with the Fondation Lombard Odier.
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Carmela Troncoso 2022 EPFL Latsis Laureate
IC Tenure Track Assistant Professor Carmela Troncoso has won this year’s EPFL Latsis University Prize. She has been recognized by the Latsis Foundation for exceptionally important contributions at a Swiss university by researchers under the age of 40.
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Science and Technology for Humanitarian Action Challenges (HAC)
The challenges faced by humanitarian organizations in general and by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in particular are immense. Therefore, EPFL and ETH Zurich are joining forces with the ICRC through the Engineering for Humanitarian Action initiative to explore innovative solutions to such crises.
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Digital Governance Book Review: Click Here to Kill Everybody (2018)
This installment of C4DT’s Digital Governance Book Review focuses on Bruce Schneier's 2018 Click Here to Kill Everybody. Security and Survival in a Hyper-connected World New York; London: W.W. Norton & Company, 319 pages. A must-read for anyone interested in the mounting cyber security challenges posed by the rapid growth…
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Blog posts
CfA: C4DT Digital Trust Policy Fellowship
Call for Applications (CfA): Become a Digital Trust Policy Fellow at C4DT and write cutting-edge, technology-grounded policy papers on current technological challenges in the area of digital trust! Check out our program website for more information. Deadline is November 1, 2022.
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Digital Governance Book Review: Ruling the Root (2002)
With the discussion of this book, the C4DT begins a new publication series, the Digital Governance Book Review: Hereafter, every month, we will summarize and contextualize a book we consider relevant. The book will be either a classic, whose lessons are worth recalling, or a new publication our readers should…
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Blog posts
[FR] La gardienne de la sphère privée numérique
Carmela Troncoso dirige le Laboratoire d’ingénierie en sécurité de l’information et respect de la vie privée de l’EPFL. L’Espagnole, militante LGBT+, s’est forgé une aura internationale grâce à sa contribution à l’app de traçage SwissCovid.
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Press reviews
Swiss Post’s digital ambitions continue alongside EPFL
Already involved with EPFL, especially with the Center for Digital Trust (C4DT), the Mobility lab Sion Valais, the EPFL FORUM, the Applied Machine Learning Days and the supervision of master's degree internships, the Swiss Post is seeking to accelerate the start of collaborations with the entire EPFL ecosystem by joining…
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Deploying Decentralized, Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing
Contact tracing is a time-proven technique for breaking infection chains in epidemics. Public health officials interview those who come in contact with an infectious agent, such as a virus, to identify exposed, potentially infected people. These contacts are notified that they are at risk and should take efforts to avoid…
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Press reviews
“Using our skills to restore people’s dignity“
Robert Mardini has been the director-general of the International Committee of the Red Cross since 2020. In this interview, Mardini – who holds a civil engineering degree from EPFL – gives us an overview of the ICRC’s work and discusses the links between science and humanitarian action.
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Press reviews
C4DT affiliated Professor to Lead Premiere Computing Publication
C4DT affiliated Professor James Larus, Director of the Very Large Scale Computing Laboratory has been appointed Editor-In-Chief of Communications of the ACM, widely regarded as the leading print and online publication for the computing and information technology fields.
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The SwissCovid App
In response to the COVID-19 disease that has stormed the world since early 2020, many countries launched initiatives seeking to help contact tracing by leveraging the mobile devices people carry with them. The Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) commissioned the effort for Switzerland, which resulted in the official SwissCovid…
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Using the matrix to help Meta gear up
Just 12-months after it was created, in December 2004, 1-million people were active on Facebook. As of December 2021 it had an average 1.93 billion daily active users. EPFL is in a unique collaboration with its parent company Meta around distributed deep learning research.
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DuoKey receives the Digital Award for Start-up of the Year 2022 !
DuoKey receives the Digital Award for Start-up of the Year 2022 ! During the Spring Party organized by the ICTjournal , our Swiss startup, active in the field of cybersecurity, was elected Swiss cyber start-up of the year 2022 by a jury of the CIOs member
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Chelsea Manning wants to take crypto back to its cyberpunk roots
In an interview with The Block, whistleblower Chelsea Manning shares her take on the current state of crypto. Manning is part of C4DT associated partner Nym, a startup that aims to use blockchain technology to increase privacy online.
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Press reviews
[FR] La Confédération s’arme face aux cyberattaques avec un office dédié à ce fléau
Prof. Hubaux, C4DT Academic Director, provides insight on the confederation's decision to create a federal office for cybersecurity.
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Press reviews
“Deepfake generation and detection is like an arms race”
Two EPFL computer scientists have taken home a major prize in Singapore’s Trusted Media Challenge, a five-month long competition aimed at cracking the code of deepfakes.
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Press reviews
[FR] Montres connectées : des mesures pas toujours fiables
C4DT Academic Director Jean-Pierre Hubaux discusses the privacy and security of smart watches on a new episode of RTS's 'A bon entendeur'.
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Press reviews
[FR] DIS, POURQUOI? – La crypto (1/5)
Une série d'épisodes traitant de la crypto dans l'émission "DIS, POURQUOI?", avec Rachid Guerraoui, Professeur dʹalgorithmes en réseau et chercheur à lʹEPFL.
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Press reviews